Monday 9 March 2015

Exam Post Mortems - End this madness!

I want to declare war.

I declare war on the "Exam Post Mortem".

You know what I'm talking about - you've just done an exam, you're feeling like you've been put through the wringer, you're mentally exhausted and a fellow student decides to ask you about what you put down as your answer....

Cue lots of fevered, frenetic discussion...

"I think I got that bit right... I put...."
"Well, yes, but then what about...."
"Did you spot the.... issue... I thought it was rather obvious, personally...."

And so it goes on...

PLEASE - stop doing this!

It is utterly pointless.

Don't tell me that you "can't help it".

You can.

All you are doing is creating worry, stress and anxiety. Both in yourself and your fellow students.

The exam is DONE. Get over it. Let it go.

Once you have done an exam, go and have some fun.

Watch a film, share a meal, go for a drink.

Just make one rule - whoever starts to talk about the exam has to go home. 


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